The real estate market has been relatively volatile in recent times, partly due to changing customer trends after the pandemic. To minimize risks, investors often choose to diversify their investment portfolios. This will essentially increase the profitability of their investments. However, it is necessary to choose the right way to diversify your investment portfolio.
What is a diversified portfolio?
A diversified strategy typically seeks to maximize the risk-adjusted return of a portfolio. Specifically, investors should select those investments that offer the highest return at an acceptable level of risk.
Typically, the level of risk an investor can accept depends on their financial capacity and ultimate goals. Once they have determined their risk level, they can start to allocate their portfolio by investing in different assets, such as real estate, apartments, retail, etc. It is important to note that investments sometimes have close relationships with each other.
This can result in multiple asset classes sharing the same risk profile. So if one investment loses, the correlated investment is also at risk. Conversely, if a portfolio is spread across different assets, the performance of one or more investments can help reduce the risk of one asset losing. The main reason for this is that uncorrelated assets are less likely to lose value at the same time than correlated investments.

How to diversify your real estate portfolio?
There are many different ways to diversify your personal real estate portfolio, each requiring different knowledge, time, and capital. There are also short-term and long-term investment strategies for different groups of investors. In general, real estate investing can be divided into two types: active and passive. Active Investing Typically, the most popular active investing involves the rental and real estate markets.
Profit potential depends on many factors, such as geographical location, investors, legality, etc. In addition, investing in this form requires a certain understanding of the real estate market. With the rental market, if there is not enough time, investors can look for units that operate and manage the property. This may require more expenses, but in return, investors will spend less effort. Rental real estate can bring a stable monthly income.
Diversify assets
Diversifying your portfolio not only helps you achieve your goals but also reduces your risk when the market fluctuates or your investment fails. If you are looking for a steady source of income over the long term, rental properties and other types of residential real estate are a good fit. Investors make money by collecting rent from tenants and also have the opportunity to make a profit after selling because the property will increase in value over time. Commercial real estate typically includes office buildings, industrial spaces, retail and other commercial spaces such as shopping malls, etc.
As an owner, you can rent these office/commercial spaces to businesses. This form of investment also ensures stable long-term income. Investing in land is also a potential option for investors looking for long-term investment prospects. Investors who buy land can divide it up to resell it, rent it out to others, build a new house on it, or even keep the land until it increases in value.
Passive Investing
Passive investing is an effective way to make money in the real estate market. Investors do not need to spend a lot of capital to get started. Even if you have abundant capital but do not have the time or in-depth knowledge, some form of passive real estate investment is still an option worth considering.
Some forms of passive investing include: Crowdfunding, real estate investment trusts (REITs), lending, ownership. Passive investing techniques often provide real estate investors with more options for portfolio diversification, which can offer greater potential returns than active investing.

Commercial and residential real estate investment
The commercial real estate market and the housing market are often two popular choices for investors. Each market will have different characteristics, requiring different strategies. The path that investors choose will depend on many factors such as risk tolerance, ultimate goals, working capital, total implementation time, loans, etc.
Commercial real estate tends to offer investors greater scale and scope for investment. In contrast, the housing market tends to offer investors a more direct and secure approach. Commercial real estate markets often involve large transactions, which requires investors to have a stable source of finance.
Meanwhile, the housing market will require transactions with smaller values. Therefore, the ability to borrow in the two markets is different. For investors to qualify for commercial loans, they usually have to have a good credit score in the business.
Above are ways to manage real estate investment portfolios in a diverse way. Hopefully investors can choose, research and find solutions for their businesses.