Townhouses are currently the favorite choice of real estate investors, the property does not lose value over time. So what is a townhouse? Advantages and disadvantages of this type of real estate.
Townhouse concept
Townhouse or tube house, this is a special type of house in construction, with a narrow frontage and quite modest length.

Types of townhouses today
This type of construction is built with the architectural style of buildings close together with quite similar architectural styles. Townhouses are known as a complex of many unified architectures built by large investors. In particular, the townhouse type is always combined with many different complexes such as: Shopping malls, commercial centers, etc. to form a miniature city. Thereby, helping to bring a living environment with many attractive and classy internal facilities.
Commercial townhouse
Commercial townhouses are known to the majority of people as a fairly new definition because they have only recently appeared on the current real estate market. Since the commercial townhouse model was "launched", it has received many positive comments from people as well as business people. The special feature of this commercial townhouse style is that it is a combination of housing and business stores.
Green townhouse type
Just hearing about “green townhouses”, you must have understood that this is a friendly housing style in harmony with the environment. Unlike other townhouse styles, the green townhouse style always takes advantage of and prioritizes the use of environmentally friendly materials but has a reasonable cost and high durability. Green townhouses are extremely suitable for the elderly or children, it brings a comfortable and fresh atmosphere, healthy to help improve the resistance of this group of people.
Garden townhouse
With a harmonious design, green from nature brings the most relaxation and comfort to the owner after long, tiring working days wanting to regain energy. Because of the advantages of this house style, the garden house design style will be the first choice for you.
Advantages of townhouses
Convenient for business, this is the biggest plus point that a street-front house has, which is convenient for business and trading goods. This is considered the most noticeable thing. A beautiful, airy, convenient frontage house will definitely be suitable for business. The models of townhouses and tube houses are often located in large urban areas, which are very convenient for trading and increasing income for the whole family because they do not have to pay rent, rent booths in commercial centers.
Bring high income when allowing to hang advertising signs You will have a comfortable living space Buy a house on the street without worrying about profit or loss
Disadvantages of townhouses
Townhouses, also known as tube houses, besides the outstanding advantages that are known, still have some disadvantages as follows:
- Dealing with the noise
- Small tube house
- Tube houses often have cramped, rigid spaces.
- Poor security situation
Things to know when buying a townhouse or tube house

Liquidity when investing in townhouses
Liquidity here is simply understood as the ability to convert into cash or the ability to resell this house to another person. When it comes to investing in townhouses, there are usually two basic needs: to live and to invest. When the market freezes, the need for investment decreases dramatically and only the need for real living remains. Many people lose money or have billions of dong in capital due to investing in unreasonable and unsuitable houses, while others are priced too high, making it difficult to find someone with enough financial capacity to resell, so when the market goes down, liquidity is also lost.
Is the land ownership certificate real or fake?
Nowadays, many real estate buyers and sellers use fake certificates and books, so you must carefully and accurately check the land ownership certificate. If you do not have the knowledge or understanding of reviewing documents and buying a house for the first time, ask an intermediary or someone knowledgeable such as a lawyer for advice.
Consider the features of the home
You need to pay attention to some factors about the characteristics of the house such as: Is the house distorted, narrow at the back or lower than the street level? At the same time, you should also check the planning of the townhouse before deciding to invest.
And after reviewing the above information, if you need support on investing in pre-built townhouses, please contact AHS immediately for direct consultation.