The real estate brokerage profession is often thought of as: Another name for "land broker" specializing in fraud. If you yourself have ever had such thoughts, then hopefully after the article below by AHS, you will have a clearer view of the nature of the real estate brokerage profession.
What is a real estate broker?
Real estate brokerage, as defined in the law of the same name, is the act of intermediary between parties in the purchase, sale, transfer, lease, sublease or lease-purchase of real estate products. In other words, brokers are the bridge between customers and investors, those who have the need to sell real estate.
With in-depth knowledge and a keen understanding of customer psychology, real estate brokers will help buyers easily find the right product that suits their finances and personal needs.
At the same time, they also help the seller sell the product at the best price. Thus, it can be said that complex real estate transactions will become easier with the help of brokers.

Benefits of real estate brokerage
High income
In addition to the basic salary, the commission from closing customer orders is a big factor for real estate brokers. Because real estate transactions are of high value, the commission that brokers receive is also extremely attractive. Closing real estate orders will help you improve your income to some extent.
Flexible working hours, no constraints
You will not need to sit 8 hours a day in the office, but will be able to move to many different locations. Your workplace can be a cafe (meeting with customers), urban areas or apartments (taking customers on tours or surveying the real estate market, etc.). Flexible work helps you feel comfortable and positive every time you work.
Soft skills
The nature of real estate brokerage is to work directly between people, so having soft skills is extremely important. You will hardly have a successful transaction if you are not confident in your ability to present the project and convince customers.
The real estate brokerage profession will train you to become a person who can persuade others. Meeting and interacting with customers helps you practice communication skills, teamwork skills, overcoming crises, time management, etc.
Expand your relationships
Being in contact with many people from many different fields will help you expand your relationships. In addition, knowing how to build those relationships will bring you a source of extremely potential customers. Those potential customers are the opportunity for you to demonstrate your value, skills and knowledge.
Every time you hear that friend A has just received a commission of tens of millions (X), friend B has just received a commission of hundreds of millions (Y), will you want to switch to a brokerage career to get an income higher than your monthly salary? If you have enough courage, you should consider switching. To achieve the dream income of today, those people had to work hard to practice and study.
Difficulties of real estate brokerage
Finding customers is extremely difficult.
It can be affirmed that real estate brokerage is the profession that contacts customers the most and requires relationships to develop potential customers. Because of this requirement, many people when entering the brokerage profession, just starting to learn real estate investment often have difficulty in finding customers. Especially for young people, who have not been exposed to society much, being a real estate broker is really a big difficulty.
You need to determine that you have to start from zero and try every way to find potential customers for yourself. In case you need to use finance to invest in advertising and promoting real estate projects, the difficulty of real estate brokerage is multiplied. And to overcome this difficulty, real estate brokers must be really persistent and hardworking. Use many different forms to find potential customers for yourself, for example: telesales according to available data sources, distributing leaflets, participating directly in projects, standing on standees to find customers...

Not knowing clearly about customers and projects for sale
In fact, many real estate professionals often fail to understand their projects and their clients. Not understanding the client means not understanding the client’s psychology, not knowing what they need, want, and what difficulties they face. As a result, the broker cannot meet the client’s needs, and the client feels that this person is unprofessional and goes to find another broker.
As for not understanding the project being sold, it means that the broker does not understand what amenities the project has, what geographical location it is in, what outstanding advantages it has... This lack of knowledge makes the consulting process difficult, and certainly this is also the reason why customers leave you.
High work pressure
Becoming a real estate broker means you always have to face pressure. This is also a difficulty of the real estate brokerage profession. Specifically, you have to accept a state of continuous work, even a day can receive from 100 - 200 calls and almost no holidays or weekends.
Because the job is to take advantage of customers' free time to advise and contact them. In addition, you will also have to travel frequently everywhere such as taking customers to see houses, making deposits... Sometimes there are projects far from home, foreign customers, real estate brokers also need to go to the field and give enthusiastic advice.
Faced with many unwanted situations
Prepare yourself mentally to face situations like: All negotiations are done but the customer cancels the deal at the last minute; or the customer makes an appointment with you but doesn't show up when they arrive... so that when these situations happen, you are able to deal with the problem without being embarrassed or confused.
You may be in danger when dealing with unscrupulous clients, especially female brokers. Every profession has its own difficulties and challenges.
.It can be seen that every profession has its own limitations and positives. However, if you really have the heart and invest in it, you will certainly reap other achievements. AHS wishes you success with the path you have chosen.