Real estate strategy in particular is currently the biggest concern of real estate marketers as well as project/product distribution units and specialists because this is the "compass" that determines the direction of any investment decision.
Real estate investment is one of the forms of business that many people apply because of its high profitability. However, for those with little capital, how can they succeed when entering this field? Let's find out with AHS some real estate investment strategies for people with little capital through this article.
Here are five strategies that real estate investors can use flexibly throughout different stages of their careers.
Joint investment in land plots
One of the real estate investment strategies for people with little capital is to contribute capital to invest in subdivided land. This type of real estate receives the attention of many customers. When investing in subdivided land, the loss rate is extremely low. Because it requires a lot of capital, choosing to invest together is the right strategy. To be effective, you need to find trustworthy people to work together. Make clear and transparent agreements on the capital and profits of each person. In addition, investors need to carefully research the project, the investor as well as related legal documents.
Real estate broker
This is a familiar strategy in which the investor finds a good property, connects and assists in negotiating the transaction between the buyer and seller, and collects a commission or the difference between the seller's desired price and the price the buyer pays. This strategy requires no capital, but requires you to have extremely good marketing and sales skills.

Group purchase
This strategy involves pooling capital from multiple investors to purchase a property. It can be scaled up to a larger scale than crowdfunding. This strategy allows small investors to participate in the investment, but it also poses challenges regarding ownership and distribution of benefits that can create risks of capital loss for investors.
Renovating dilapidated houses
This strategy involves buying a property at a below-market price, renovating and upgrading it to add value, renting it out to pay off the mortgage, and using the property as collateral for a mortgage. The key to this strategy is to buy a property that is undervalued. The work behind it requires the investor to have some knowledge of construction and architecture so that he can make improvements that increase the value of the property, such as new paint, installing wood floors, remodeling the kitchen and bathroom, adding bedrooms, etc. The added value from the upgrades will increase the property's valuation, allowing the investor to sell it or borrow more money for other purposes.

Use borrowed capital to invest in real estate
In addition to the above strategies, many young people have now ventured into real estate investment with bank loans. Many people consider this a necessary financial leverage because if invested at the right time with the right capital, it will bring high profits.