Real estate is a business that brings a lot of emotions, and is also a place where "reckless", persistent and intelligent individuals gather. The following article will decode the difficulties in the real estate brokerage profession and why there are people who want to stick with and succeed in this profession full of difficulties and thorns.
Difficult to find customers
It can be said that real estate brokerage is the profession that has the most contact with customers and it is necessary to create relationships to develop potential customers for yourself. Because of this, those who are new to this profession often have difficulty finding customers.
The real estate market is one of the most competitive markets. Competition is not only from competitors but also from teams within the company. In this case, brokers who want to overcome difficulties must be really persistent and hard-working to increase their potential customer data to be able to develop sustainably.
Distributing flyers, telesales based on available data sources, standing on standees to find customers, participating directly in projects, posting real estate news... these are old ways of finding customers. Not suitable for the 4.0 era.
If you want to be a good sales person, you must be good at Marketing and constantly update your marketing knowledge, which is difficult for many people. Or you can spend more money to hire a good person to do it for you.
Work pressure
When choosing to be a real estate broker, you must get used to working on holidays and after office hours. At the time when everyone is resting, you may be working because at that time your customers are resting, you have time to discuss and approach them.

It is difficult to find a leader with both heart and vision.
The first difficulty of the real estate brokerage profession is that it is difficult to find a mentor. One experience that I have learned is that to start a real estate brokerage profession, having a teacher, a boss, a friend to guide us is a lucky thing for you. Having a teacher, a friend, a boss with a heart and vision will determine our career orientation.
A person with a heart and vision and a thorough understanding of the real estate industry will help you have an overall picture of the brokerage profession, help you orient your segment, your path and inspire your enthusiasm. So first you must try to find such a person to guide you.
When starting a real estate brokerage job at a new company, in a new environment, I advise you to find someone who is good at the job and willing to share, friendly... stick with them to learn and be taught.
Difficulty in selling products
Not everyone has a beautiful, luxurious apartment with a nice view or any of the perfect factors to help you have “wonderful” products. There will also be bad views, high prices, located in corners,…
But remember that no apartment is bad, it depends on how you introduce, advise and who your customers are. Remember that choosing the right customer for the product is a factor that helps you solve the problem in a flash. However, you also need to consider your own capacity and experience to choose the right apartment for you.
Difficulty building relationships
In Vietnam, real estate transactions are often based on relationships and trust. For a young person fresh out of school, building a wide network of relationships is not an easy challenge. However, if you are determined, nothing can be difficult for you.
Unstable job, unstable income
Many people think that brokerage is a lucrative profession, where you can eat well, dress well, and use expensive branded goods, but in reality, this is a profession that is under as much pressure as other professions. Many brokers say that in reality, the income of this profession is unstable.

Although the commissions for products are often quite high, in the tens or hundreds of millions, the competition in this profession is very high. To sell a product, brokers have to struggle to find customers. As long as there are interested customers, brokers are willing to "drive" from East to West just to invite customers for coffee to consult about the product.
However, consulting is just the initial meeting, to get to the final step of closing the product is a long and persistent process. There are even times when brokers meet up to 20 customers but in the end no one makes a deposit.
Having trouble with projects being sold
For most real estate projects (Refer to the hot projects today: Novaworld Phan Thiet, Nova World Ho Tram, or high-end segments such as Grand Marina Saigon of Masteri, Victoria village of Novaland, Metropole, Empires City, Vinhomes District 9 Vinhomes Ocean Park, Vinhomes Smart City ... and an investor that is rarely mentioned in the Southern market is Sungroup: famous for 2 projects Sun Ha Long and Sun Phu Quoc ...) then at the time of launching, the beautiful apartments and the good-priced apartments are the ones that will sell quickly and out first, while the high-priced apartments and bad views will be harder to sell. For experienced Sales people, this is not too important an issue because you understand the psychology and needs to be able to direct customers to the right apartment.
Above are some of the difficulties of the real estate brokerage profession among the countless difficulties that real estate brokerage profession often encounters. If you have the determination and ability to cultivate knowledge to constantly improve yourself, AHS believes that you can easily find a place for yourself in this profession.