Because before starting the job, most people do not imagine the difficulty of this industry, so when they see others starting the job, they join in and follow suit. In addition, if they sell a real estate project and earn a few tens of millions, or sell a villa, the commission can be up to several hundred million. It seems good and easy, so they join. Quickly after that, if they cannot do it, they quit.
The real estate brokerage industry has a very high entry and exit rate. Every year, thousands of new brokers enter the profession, but an equal number will quit because of the difficulty and harshness of the real estate brokerage industry.
What principles should real estate brokers follow?
Customer analysis
To reach the most potential customers in the real estate industry, brokers first need to grasp the customer portrait. Analyze who your customers are, what issues they are interested in, what their hobbies are, etc.
From there, you can have an effective and quick approach. After approaching potential customers, you should observe and grasp their psychology, to have a suitable and effective way of consulting and talking.

Information Security
– Brokers are not allowed to disclose information about customers and real estate without the consent of the customer and information outside the scope of work agreed with the customer in the contract.
– Do not provide information about clients and real estate of other brokers representing transactions without consent.
Comply with general principles of the profession
Real estate brokers must comply with the general principles of the profession: openness, transparency, honesty and compliance with the law. Real estate brokers must not simultaneously be both a broker and a party to a contract in a real estate business transaction.
Responsibilities when being a real estate sales representative
– When acting as a representative, a broker must commit to protecting and promoting the interests of the client, and must put the interests of the client first.
– Brokers must be honest with customers and those involved in the transaction relationship.
– Brokers must not intentionally mislead clients about market value or indirect benefits in the transaction.
– The broker must clearly disclose when representing both parties in a transaction, and must obtain their consent.
– Responsible for advising customers of the need to seek legal advice before making decisions, or when there are doubts about the contract.
– Must absolutely protect the confidentiality of information provided by customers to avoid causing disadvantages to customers.
– Be responsible for the customer's assets that you keep or manage.
– Provide customers with information about the policies of the business they participate in regarding contracts, remuneration, fees, purchase and sale prices.
Need a reasonable customer consulting strategy
To become a best real estate sale, a broker needs to have a reasonable customer consulting strategy, directly addressing the needs and desires of customers about the real estate they need.
Only when consulting correctly according to customer needs, the ability to convince customers to close the contract is higher, making customers satisfied with your consulting and sales style. When balancing the desire to sell with the needs of customers, it will help you build a better reputation in the eyes of customers.
Qualities to Become a Real Estate Agent
Modest and inquisitive
Nowadays, only a few real estate agents who truly love their job and are eager to learn realize the value of success in this profession, which is not easy.
They always try to improve their professional skills and constantly learn to develop. However, not everyone is aware of that. Most people think that real estate brokers have nothing to learn, many people do not need a practice certificate to do it!
They believe that “street” experience and learning from friends are enough. It is because of these misconceptions that our real estate brokerage profession is still quite far behind that of professionals practicing brokerage in other countries in the region.
And in the eyes of customers, they are still called real estate "brokers". To become a professional broker, you must be truly humble and eager to learn, invest time to continuously update your knowledge.

Duty to customers
When you are a representative of buyers, sellers, renters, landlords… you will have to try to bring the best benefits to your customers.
Don't blame anyone
Whatever happens, avoid blaming anyone. The final decision to buy is the customer's, so don't treat it as your failure if they decide not to buy.
Think of yourself as an advisor in the deal. Give your input, be as helpful as possible, and stay on track as the deal goes through, whether it's successful or not.
In short, if you want to become a real estate broker, you must always listen carefully to everything your customers say, share about the product thoroughly and honestly to build customer trust.