Like other professions in society, real estate brokers have many failures besides those who are successful. And surely those who fail have encountered countless difficulties in this job. To help future real estate brokers have more confidence, AHS will help you list the difficulties of this profession so that you can prepare yourself mentally.
Difficulty in finding customers
Because finding customers is the most important step in real estate brokerage, it is also the most difficult step. Finding potential customers for low-value industries is not difficult, but for real estate, because of the large value of the assets, it is not easy.
Not understanding the customer and the project being sold
If the real estate broker does not understand the customer's psychology, does not know what they want, what they need, or what difficulties they need advice on, and the customer feels that they cannot find a satisfactory solution from the broker, then they will definitely have to find another broker.
Not understanding the project here means that the broker does not understand what segment the project is selling in, where it is located, what outstanding advantages it has, what amenities it has... This lack of knowledge causes the broker to lose customers due to the difficulty in consulting, lack of information provided to customers and inability to answer questions raised by customers.
Unstable job, unstable income
Many people think that brokerage is a lucrative profession, where you can eat well, dress well, and use expensive branded goods, but in reality, this is a profession that is under as much pressure as other professions. Many brokers say that the actual income of this profession is unstable. Although the commissions of the products are often quite high, in the tens or hundreds of millions, the competition rate in this profession is very high.
To sell a product, brokers have to struggle to find customers. As long as there are interested customers, brokers are willing to "drive" from East to West just to invite customers for coffee to consult about the product. However, consulting is only the initial form of meeting, to reach the final step of closing the product is a long and persistent process. There are even times when brokers meet up to 20 customers but in the end no one makes a deposit.

Building relationships
In Vietnam, real estate transactions are often based on relationships and trust. For a young person fresh out of school, building a wide network of relationships is not an easy challenge. However, if you are determined, nothing can be difficult for you.
Work pressure
Being a real estate agent means being busy outside of work hours and even on holidays. When everyone else is off, you have to work because that’s when your clients have time to meet you.
The nature of this industry is that customers rarely come to you on their own initiative, so you have to take the initiative to approach and meet them. Therefore, when you have an appointment with a customer, no matter how far away, you have to try to go to meet them.
Difficulty in selling products
Not everyone has a beautiful, luxurious apartment with a nice view or any of the perfect factors to help you have “wonderful” products. There will also be bad views, high prices, located in corners,…
But remember that no apartment is bad, it depends on how you introduce, advise and who your customers are. Remember that choosing the right customer for the product is a factor that helps you solve the problem in a flash. However, you also need to consider your own capacity and experience to choose the right apartment for you.

Pressure from sales targets and customers
For traditional real estate brokerage floors, with targets and KPIs, brokers will have pressures, such as how many phone calls to make each day, how many customers will listen, on the weekend must make appointments with 5 customers to see the property, at the end of the month must have 3 customers booking, in 2 months must have 1 transaction... and also pressure from customers, there are customers who make a lot of requests but... are a bit unreasonable.
Above are the difficulties of real estate brokerage that everyone has to go through. If you are patient, hard-working and eager to learn, surely brokers can overcome the above difficulties and achieve success.