The real estate market has been relatively volatile in recent times, partly due to changing customer trends after the pandemic. This causes many investors to encounter difficulties. To minimize risk, investors often choose to diversify their investment portfolios. This approach will essentially increase the profitability of investments.
However, it is necessary to choose the appropriate way to diversify your investment portfolio. The benefits of real estate, including price appreciation potential, inflation hedge, etc., make investors increasingly want to diversify segments in this field. Therefore, please refer to the article below from AHS.
Step 1: Determine your real estate investment portfolio
- The first thing investors need to do is identify the type of real estate they want to invest in, from there they can focus on investing and researching it in depth.
- After choosing the type of real estate you want to invest in, investors need to determine the expected profit it will bring.
- And finally, is the investor's capital sufficient to meet this form as well as the risks that may arise at any time?
In addition, to determine the target customers or market segments to target when developing services, choosing an investment portfolio methodically and carefully is extremely necessary.

Step 2: Build an investment strategy
With a planned investment portfolio and financial resources. Investors need to be advised on an overall investment strategy to develop and exploit services. Important advice such as real estate location, demographic advice in the area, infrastructure connection capacity... to find the right property investors want to own.
In this step, investors need to further clarify the target customers, thereby building a specific service concept suitable for the customers they have chosen.
Step 3: Diversify assets/investment portfolio
Diversifying your investment portfolio not only helps you achieve your goals but also minimizes your risk when the market fluctuates or your investment experiences problems. If you are looking for a steady source of income over the long term, rental properties and other types of residential real estate are a great fit.
Investors make money by collecting rent from tenants and also have the opportunity to realize profits after the sale as the real estate increases in value over time. Commercial real estate often includes office buildings, industrial spaces, retail and other commercial spaces such as shopping malls, etc.
As an owner, you can rent these office/commercial spaces to businesses. This form of investment also ensures stable long-term income. Investing in land is also a potential option for investors looking for long-term investment prospects. Investors who buy land can divide it up to resell it, rent it out to others, build a new house on it, or even keep the land until it increases in value.
Step 4: Operate and manage real estate investment assets
After building a real estate investment strategy, in this third step the investor will begin to deploy and execute the work. This step requires investors to be really careful, focused and serious, to clearly plan what to do to avoid wasting money, time and effort.
In addition, in order for service quality to always be maintained with clearly stated and strictly controlled commitments, operations and management need to have an overall view of service quality.

Step 5: Monitor, evaluate and adjust
During the investment process, there will be cases where investors lose assets and brand reputation, so investment expectations are not as expected. Therefore, this fourth step will help investors overcome the above situation.
Normally, to properly evaluate investment performance, continuously and comprehensively monitoring the market is extremely necessary. In addition, investors also need to manage and monitor service activities throughout the business process so that when errors occur, they can be promptly adjusted.
AHS hopes this article can answer questions from investors. In difficult economic times, finding a solution to investment problems is extremely useful. Wishing investors will always find answers for their investment direction.